Track-Link Type Cable Carriers
- Both the massive carriage assembly and oversized cross slide ride
on Turcite-B anti-friction linvers for reduced stick/slip action and
enabling ease of control for fine close-up work from a heavy machine.
- 4-way Push Button Power Rapid Traverse for carriage longitudinal and
cross slide forward/back motion is standard. They are driven by a powerful
1/2HP motor yielding approximately 400IPM longitudinal and 200IPM cross
rapid speeds. A 2nd safety E-Stop mushroom button switch at the carriage
immediately stops all machine functions.
- The main handwheels for the carriage longitudinal and cross slide
are Safety Disengagement type to help avoid operator accidents during
rapid travers motion.
- T-Slotted topside compound with removable 4-way indexing toolpost
are standard.
- The main cross slide is oversized; 8.5" wide x 25.25" long
and includes 2 convenient T-slots at the rear side for mounting the
optional rear fixed tool block or other ancillary tool devices (toolpost
grinders, etc.)